Our Values


trust and collaboration

Encourage collaboration, not competition. Build collective power. Value and foster trusted human connections. Encourage experimentation.

Grant practice: Fund ecosystems of groups. Fund decentralized networks, coalition, and movement infrastructure. Strengthen multi-racial alliances.


equity & justice

Achieve a just transition to a cleaner and more equitable society. Address interlinked barriers to climate, racial, gender, and economic equity.

Grant practice: Remove barriers to grant funding for historically marginalized groups, i.e. allow grantees to define success; co-create metrics for measuring progress.


healing & Security

Support for Black, Brown, and Indigenous women, their organizations, and their communities to heal and transform harmful effects of white supremacy, misogyny, pollution, and conflict and protect against threats to physical and cyber security.

Grant practice: Support practices that center collective well-being, including interrupting and transforming stress, depression, burnout from crisis-driven work culture; creating spaces for accountability and collective growth that recognize our full humanity without emphasizing punishment; making our lives and work spaces secure and safe enough for us do do our work.


heart & mind

Social change happens when people’s beliefs shift, which happens when the culture that defines their beliefs shifts.

Grant practice: Support artists, comedians, and others in the cultural sector to help people imagine new ways of living and change cultural norms, policies and systems.



Address the root causes of the climate crisis. Integrate work for reflective and inclusive democracies and social cohesion with the work of building fossil free and equitable societies.

Grant practice: Support grantee partners employing a range of strategies and tactics to achieve local, state, and national policies and other solutions that prevent and/or reduce global warming emissions and promote resilience while building power, health, and well-being for those most impacted.



Help groups stay accountable to operating in accordance with their own values.

Grant practice: Build some accountability mechanisms into due diligence and reporting.

Fundraising Principles

As a re-granting organization, Hive Fund is in relationship with both funders and grantee partners. This interstitial space between movements and money is rich with the possibility of transformation—transforming ourselves as individuals in relationship with each other, transforming our organizations, and ultimately transforming the harmful systems that create extreme disparities in wealth, health, environmental impacts, and other injustices.

We make fundraising decisions grounded in our core values (above). We stay true to our values and approach to grantmaking regardless of where our resources come from.

We are accountable to and make all major decisions about our funding partnerships in consultation with key advisors, participatory working groups, and grantee partners.

Our vision of resources is rooted in abundance, not scarcity. There are more than enough resources to create and sustain a healthy and equitable world. When we fundraise collaboratively, we can increase the pie for all. We also recognize that financial resources are not the only wealth we have or need to propel social change. Relationships, trust, and integrity are essential and invaluable assets.

We move through a legacy of economic exploitation toward a more equitable and just future made possible, in part, by unlocking resources and returning them to the communities from which they were extracted. Fundraising is a form of organizing people and money. We move money in ways that redistribute wealth and power.

We foster collaborative relationships with funding partners and allies to challenge and change harmful practices in the philanthropic sector that reflect and reinforce White supremacy and misogyny.