Resources for Dismantling Patriarchy

White supremacy, patriarchy, and economic systems that make pollution profitable are intimately intertwined. Addressing the climate crisis and collectively creating a more just and equitable future for all requires transforming the systems of power governing who pollutes, who profits, and whose lives are valued.

Cisgender men have a particular role to play in dismantling patriarchy as those who usually benefit most from this inequitable system. The list below provides an overview of some of the resources available about dismantling patriarchy. Several of these resources were identified by adrienne maree brown in her relinquishing the patriarchy resource list.

A few readings/lessons to start

Courses and groups

The Better Men Project by Gibrán Rivera. Participants can sign up to receive weekly reflections by email on this effort to become better men and/or join a monthly call to collectively exploring conscious masculinity.

Undoing Patriarchy: An Online Course for Men+, an 8-week course by Bear Hebert for men+ who are trying to subvert patriarchy while also trying to survive it.

Feminism for Men Leadership Programs by Dr. Kimberly B. George. These programs provide consulting and curriculum that support cis men to learn feminist and critical race theory, as well as feminist leadership skills.

Curriculum for a Feminist Men’s Group by Matt Goldfield and Jonah S. Boyarin.

Books and Articles

The Will to Change: Men, Masculinity, and Love (2004) by bell hooks

“Understanding Patriarchy” (2010) by bell hooks

“Relinquishing the Patriarchy” (2019) by adrienne maree brown

“Mediocre: The Dangerous Legacy of White Male America” (2020) by Ijeoma Oluo

Men Explain Things to Me (2015) by Rebecca Solnit

Man Alive: A True Story of Violence, Forgiveness, and Becoming a Man (2014) by Thomas Page McBee

Curated lists of resources and guides

Relinquishing the Patriarchy Resource List by adrienne maree brown

Challenging Patriarchy and Sexism Resource Packet by AORTA (Anti-Oppression Resource and Training Alliance)

For Climate/Environmental Philanthropy

“Why Gender Justice and Dismantling Patriarchy?” (2020) by Friends of the Earth International’s Gender Justice Dismantling Patriarchy Working Group

“Principles for Feminist Funding” (2020) by Canadian Women’s Foundation, Community Foundations of Canada, and Equality Fund

“Philanthropy is a Feminist Issue” (2019) by Ise Bosch and Ndana Bofu-Tawamba

“Invisible Climate Wars, Part I: Climate Destruction as Gender Violence” (2017) by Alice Cherry

“4 Climate Activists Explain Why the Climate Justice Movement Needs Feminism” (2019) by Mara Dolan

Julian Foley