Winter 2021 Newsletter

Letter from the Co-Directors

Dear Friends,

"Cosmos," a quilt created by Cecelia ("Cely") Pedescleaux, a renowned New Orleans-based artist. Photo: Gus Bennett

Throughout 2021, we’ve been honored to put more resources into the hands of visionary leaders who are reducing toxic pollution and toxic politics across the US South. In the face of devastating storms and increasingly violent opposition, Hive Fund grantee partners continue to engage a record number of people in our democracy; elevate climate, racial, and gender justice issues to the top of policymakers’ agendas; and bring creativity, culture, joy, and power to growing social movements. We are in awe of their progress. 

This work is both urgent and generational - requiring deep solidarity and collective action. We are grateful for the ways in which we connect with each of you, and for the momentum we build and sustain together. One thing we’ve learned from our grantee partners is that care for ourselves and each other is essential. In that spirit, we wish you all a holiday season filled with joy, love, and restoration.  

Melanie Allen & Erin Rogers

Co-Directors, The Hive Fund

Welcoming Our Winter 2021 Grantee Partners!

We’re thrilled to welcome 16 new grantee partners and increase funding to two existing grantee partners in our winter docket. Their work includes strengthening civic engagement; building and expanding campaigns to stop new oil and gas facilities; holding public services commissions accountable to people, not polluters; and building regenerative, clean, and equitable economies.

Learning Lab

Gulf South Progress is Key to Global Climate Success

In sessions parallel to COP26 in Glasgow, a set of historic new global agreements to bring a managed end to the fossil fuel era were adopted. The road to making these agreements reality runs through the heart of oil and gas country in the US Gulf South. In our December Learning Lab, we share insights on how increased funding to the Gulf South that’s multi-pronged, multi-racial, multi-solving, and multi-year can have global ramifications.

Don’t Miss

Announcing Hive Fund 2022 Participatory Working Group Members

We’re honored to welcome two new members to our Participatory Decision-Making Working Group: E Lim and Roishetta Ozane! We offer deep gratitude to Logan Atkinson Burke, who is transitioning off of the working group. Check out the entire PDWG here.


E. Lim

Roishetta Ozane


Funding Healing Justice and Holistic Security: What Grantees Asked For

In 2021, the Hive Fund awarded our first round of grant supplements that grantee partners can use for healing justice and holistic security tools, practices, trainings, and support. Many of you have asked what kinds of supports our grantees requested - to that end, we’ve updated our original Learning Lab post here and added an anonymized request slide deck.

Hive Fund in Barron’s Penta

Read about the Hive Fund in Barron's Penta magazine, in the feature piece "An Inclusive Approach to Combatting Climate Change."

“We raise money and we make grants to the folks who are doing the work to transform flawed legal and other systems,” says co-director Melanie Allen. “They are resisting the immediate harms and threats of polluting facilities, voter suppression, and state violence while helping to build the future that we hope to live in.”

Thank You

We’re grateful for new and renewed funding from the following funding partners:  

  • Bezos Earth Fund

  • David Rockefeller Foundation

  • Fondation CHANEL

  • Hewlett Foundation

  • Kresge Foundation

  • Packard Foundation

You can find a more complete list of our funding partners here

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